
Showing posts from August, 2007

Vicious sleep cycle

My body clock has been off lately, and it has been difficult for me to wake up in time to go to the gym. It's a bummer, because while I haven't gained weight, I haven't lost as much either! It's my fault, I know.

I fall asleep around 4am, watching replays of my favorite television shows. After a couple of weeks of not being interested in the TV, I'm hooked again. What makes it more difficult is that I don't feel sleepy at all--until the clock hits four o'clock, at which point I almost automatically doze off.

I wake up exactly 8 hours later, not counting zombie-like trips to the bathroom, or the doggie wake-up calls. I absolutely need 8 hours of sleep!

Early this morning was extra surreal. I'd left the television on but I was already trying to make myself fall asleep earlier than 4am. I was halfway there when I heard Mary, one of the "Las Vegas" Montecito girls say something like, "Suspicious Minds sounds different when sung in Tagalog."

I opened my eyes, thinking, "Did I just hear her say Tagalog?" And of course I had to watch the rest of the episode.

In it, a couple whom I had previously taken for Chinese were actually sweet, but down-on-their-luck Filipino-Americans, Mr. and Mrs. Cosme and Leonor Calyang. Cosme had just been laid off from his job in Fresno, and they were in Las Vegas to try to change their luck. He's a big fan of Wayne Newton, and Mary scores some tickets for them to Mr. Las Vegas' sold-out concert.

During the performance, Wayne Newton invites Cosme to sing Suspicious Minds with him, and he turns out to be one hell of an amazing singer. (And the actor is!) In the end, the Calyangs land jobs in the Montecito--Cosme as a singer and Leonor as a waitress.

Ten billion Google searches later, I find out that Cosme Calyang is critically-acclaimed Jon jon Briones, who has portrayed the Engineer in Miss Saigon all over the world.